Recently, Vietnam decided to impose anti-dumping duties on monosodium glutamate (MSG) products originating from Indonesia and China. Decision to impose anti-dumping duties on MSG products classified under HS code 2922.42.20 originating from Indonesia and China, based on the results of the first review. The case code is AR01.AD09.
Based on the review request of related parties as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 82 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has just issued Decision No. 640 on the results of the first review of the application of anti-dumping measures of some MSG products originating from Indonesia and China.
Under the decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, MSG imposed anti-dumping duties is products used in food processing, cooking. Products are used as raw materials for the production of other seasoning products, processed foods, sauces, instant noodles…
Continue to impose a 5 million VND/ton anti-dumping duties on MSG imports from Indonesia and China
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the procedures for applying anti-dumping measures are implemented in accordance with the law on anti-dumping of goods imported into Vietnam, the law on import and export tax and other relevant laws.
The anti-dumping duties rate applied to organizations and individuals producing and exporting goods originating from Indonesia is over 5.2 million VND/ton.
With China, the anti-dumping duties rate applied to each organization and individual is 6.3 million VND/ton; while for organizations and individuals in Hong Kong (China), the lowest anti-dumping duties rate fluctuates at 3.4 million VND/ton and the highest is over 5 million VND/ton.
Decisions on exemption from anti-dumping measures issued by the Minister of Industry and Trade before the effective date of this decision shall continue to be valid until the expiry of the validity period of the exemption decision.

Previously, on July 22nd , 2020, the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 1933 on the application of official anti-dumping duties on MSG products originating from China and Indonesia.
On September 28th , 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 2217/QD-BCT to review for the first time the application of anti-dumping measures on MSG products originating from Indonesia, China.
ASL LAW is the top-tier Vietnam law firm for Anti-dumping & countervailing. If you need any advice, please contact us for further information or collaboration.