Increasing specialized inspection on social insurance issues in Vietnam

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What is an administrative violation in Vietnam?

What is an administrative violation in Vietnam?, What is the maximum administrative sanction, administrative violation

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations (2012), an administrative violation is an act committed by an individual or organization that violates the law on state management, which, however, does not constitute a crime, and as required by law, must be administratively sanctioned. To know whether an act…

New points on labor policy from the beginning of July 2022 in Vietnam

new points on labor policy from the beginning of July 2022 in Vietnam, labor policy from the beginning of July 2022 in Vietnam, policy from the beginning of July 2022 in Vietnam, labor policy from the beginning of July 2022, July 2022 in Vietnam, employee, labor law, labor law in Vietnam, employee in Vietnam, employer, employer in Vietnam, labor code, law on labor, law on labor in Vietnam, Vietnam labor law, labor law,

Remove the legal troubles between social insurance and the health sector in Vietnam

remove the legal troubles between social insurance and the health sector in Vietnam, remove the legal troubles between social insurance and the health sector, legal troubles between social insurance and the health sector in Vietnam, social insurance and the health sector in Vietnam, the health sector in Vietnam,

Do foreign workers have to participate in unemployment insurance in Vietnam?

Do foreign workers have to participate in unemployment insurance in Vietnam? What kind of insurance are available to foreign workers in Vietnam?

Foreign workers are not eligible to participate in unemployment insurance in Vietnam. According to the provisions of Article 2 of the Employment Law 2013, the subjects of the 2013 Employment Law are employees, employers, and other agencies, organizations, and individuals related to employment. In which, employees are Vietnamese citizens from full 15 years of age…

Regulations on penalties for employees correcting or making false declarations of social insurance benefits in Vietnam

regulations on penalties for employees correcting or making false declarations of social insurance benefits in Vietnam, penalties for employees correcting or making false declarations of social insurance benefits in Vietnam, penalties for employees correcting or making false declarations , making false declarations of social insurance benefits in Vietnam,

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many employees to stay home from work to treat their illnesses. Because this is a disease that is regulated by the sickness regime – a policy to support employees in Vietnam, employees, when infected with Covid-19, can submit a request for social insurance benefits to the Vietnam Social Security Administration…

Can employees pay social insurance contributions at 2 companies at the same time in Vietnam?

can employees pay social insurance contributions at 2 companies at the same time in Vietnam, pay social insurance contributions at 2 companies at the same time in Vietnam, pay social insurance contributions at 2 companies in Vietnam, pay social insurance contributions in Vietnam,
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