After the trademark is successfully registered in Vietnam, it shall be valid for 10 years counted from the filing date. Then, the trademark owner must file request for renewal of trademark in Vietnam if they want to maintain its validity.
When could the trademark owner file the request for renewal of trademark in Vietnam?
The trademark owner could renew the validity of trademark certificate within 06 months from the expire date.
Could the trademark owner file late renewal of trademark certificate in Vietnam?
Yes, Vietnam allow grace period of 06 months from the expire date. After the period, the trademark shall be expired.
Where can trademark owner file application of trademark renewal in Vietnam?
The application shall be filed at the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP). The owner could hire Intellectual property representative to do this work for them. The foreign trademark owner is required to file such request through the Intellectual property representative.
What are required documents to file request for renewal of trademark in Vietnam?
+ Power of Attorney
+ Original certificate of trademark registration in Vietnam. Otherwise, the renewal shall be recorded directly to the internal database of the NOIP.
ASL LAW – The Vietnam IP Firm could help the trademark owners renew trademark in Vietnam.
- You could read the full article of process of registering trademark in Vietnam here
- You could read the full article of How to file trademark in Vietnam here
- You could contact ASL LAW– Vietnam IP Firm– Vietnam IP Law Firm – Vietnam IP Agent for further information