On December 9, 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Decision 2706/QD-BCT 2022 on extending the time limit for the second review of the application of anti-dumping measures to a number of aluminum products originating from China.
On April 22, 2022, Vietnam issued Decision No. 1282/QD-BCT on the results of the first review of the application of anti-dumping measures to a number of aluminum products originating from China, replacing Decision No. 2942/QD-BCT dated September 28, 2019, of the Minister of Industry and Trade on the application of official anti-dumping measures to a number of aluminum products originating from China.
According to Decision No. 1282/QD-BCT, Vietnam will apply anti-dumping measures against a number of aluminum, alloy or non-alloy products, in the form of rods and shapes, extruded, etc. or not surface-treated, whether or not further processed, imported into Vietnam.
Based on the results from Decision No. 1282/QD-BCT on the results of the first review of the application of anti-dumping measures to a number of aluminum products originating from China, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 1149/QD-BCT on the second review of the application of anti-dumping measures on some aluminum products originating from China dated June 10, 2022 (case code AR02.AD05).
The review period under Decision No. 1282/QD-BCT is from April 1, 2021 to the end of March 31, 2022. The review period is not more than 6 months from the date of issuance of the decision on point c Clause 1, Article 82 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management, which is December 10, 2022.
Considering that the above time limit is not enough to investigate the case in detail and ensure the interests of the parties involved, on December 9, 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Decision 2706/QD-BCT 2022 on extending the time limit for the second review of the application of anti-dumping measures to a number of aluminum products originating from China for another 3 months. The new deadline will be March 10, 2023.
Decision 2706/QD-BCT 2022 can be downloaded here.
ASL LAW is the top-tier Vietnam law firm for Anti-dumping & countervailing. If you need any advice, please contact us for further information or collaboration.